After a rigorous process and many learnings, Heilala joins a community of 5000+ globally who have legally committed to balancing people, purpose and profit.
The army of B Corps is gaining momentum fast - spanning 150 industries and 79 countries, and employing almost 400,000 people across the world. This milestone underscores our commitment to sustainability, transparency and accountability and we are so proud to be the first vanilla company in the world to receive this prestigious certification, finishing the process with a score of 104.7 points.
B Corp is a global movement of companies that have made it their mission to do business responsibly, balancing the interest of people, profit and purpose. It ensures all company decisions create a positive impact on its teams, clients, suppliers, community and the environment.
The certification further demonstrates our purpose-led mission to empower and improve the livelihoods of agricultural communities in Tonga. Since day one we've had a mission to be ‘the good vanilla’, from how we source our beans, to the way we communicate with our team and customers, and how we're improving futures within our grower communities. We are immensely proud to have achieved this certification and we view it as a key part of our journey to achieving goals across our team, our Tongan community and the environment.
Heilala already had in place several measures required for B Corp certification such as independent governance, a shareholder's agreement that is aligned around purpose, a unique zero-waste process that has recently been registered as a patent, living wage employer with a very diverse team across New Zeland and Tonga, and impact projects in Tonga spanning over the last decade.
The certification shines a light on every aspect of the company and is based on five pillars; Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers.